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Tuesday, 26 May 2015

Next #SEJThinkTank Webinar: Why Nostalgia in Marketing Works

SEJ ThinkTank

Have you ever wondered why some styles just won’t stay dead? (We’re looking at you, JNCOs.) Or, are you in love with the Snickers’ Super Bowl ad featuring the Brady Bunch? Why do characters and styles from our childhood and teen years entice such strong feelings in us?

It turns out, nostalgia is an extremely effective marketing technique. Do you want to learn more and get tips on how to implement nostalgia marketing for your brand?

Join Us!

Join the SEJ Marketing Think Tank on June 3rd, 2015 at 10 am Pacific and 1 pm Eastern for a free webinar about nostalgia in marketing.
SEJ ThinkTank
Presented by SEJ Executive Editor Kelsey Jones and moderated by SEJ’s Chief Social Media Strategist Brent Csutoras, this 45 webinar will cover how brands are using nostalgia to drive their marketing, and why it’s so successful today. The event will include a 30 minute presentation and a 15 minute Q&A session.

Who Should Attend

If your brand is looking for a way leverage to the strong emotional connection people develop with their past or are just looking for a new strategy to test, you will want to attend our next webinar. Kelsey will break down exactly how and why nostalgia works as a marketing technique and how you can put it to use for your brand.

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